Zara, a schoolgirl in Karachi, shares a sensual dance video with her virtual boyfriend, who then blackmails her. Caught between his manipulative behavior and the desire to experience love onher own terms, Zara searches for the strength to reject the confines of a patriarchal society.
Dir: Seemab Gul | 2021
Sanat Initiative | Instinct Productions
Official Selection
Venice International Film Festival (78 Mostra internazionale d'arte cinematografica)
Sundance Film Festival
Montreal Festival du nouveau cinema
Nominated for a British Independent Film Award
Best Editing Award at Female Filmmakers Festival Berlin
Zara, a schoolgirl in Karachi, shares a sensual dance video with her virtual boyfriend, who then blackmails her. Caught between his manipulative behavior and the desire to experience love onher own terms, Zara searches for the strength to reject the confines of a patriarchal society.
Dir: Seemab Gul | 2021
Sanat Initiative | Instinct Productions
Official Selection
Venice International Film Festival (78 Mostra internazionale d'arte cinematografica)
Sundance Film Festival
Montreal Festival du nouveau cinema
Nominated for a British Independent Film Award
Best Editing Award at Female Filmmakers Festival Berlin